Reply To: Class D for Sound Lab Speakers?

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    Guy’s I am surprised you missed this review of the Majestic 845PX in the May of 2014 edition of Enjoy The Music. Jules Coleman wrote the review and gave a thorough, interesting and glowing account of the speakers attributes.

    But what was interesting is the amplifier that he settled on after trying a
    Pass Labs A-250 which could not adequately drive the speaker. He chose the
    Merrill Veritas Monoblocks which are Class D, produce 400 watts into 8 ohms
    and had no trouble driving the big panels. The Veritas have a pretty good reputation in the Audio community and right now they are selling at very
    reasonable prices used, they listed new at 12k.

    One thing of note, while writing the review and listening to music at the same time he did not want to turn his head and spoil the illusion that this was not live music but a reproduction as gloriously presented by the Sound Lab speaker. As owners we know what he was talking about.