Adding a Post to the “Speaker cables” Thread Started by: chungjh

home Forums General Discussion Adding a Post to the “Speaker cables” Thread Started by: chungjh

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    • #489

        This new subject obviously went (appeared) as expected. Thus, chungjh’s “Speaker cable” thread must somehow be locked or prevented for further posts. Is that the case and will it be reopened/rectified? Thanks, Mike

      • #488

          I submitted a post to the subject thread around 1:00am this morning (8/30/20). But it hasn’t yet been seen. Thinking that perhaps my previous session at 1:00am had timed-out, I resubmitted my post within the last hour (8/30/20 2:00pm EST) and after not seeing it, I logged-out and back-in and resubmitted it. It remains unseen.

          So, this post is asking if there is some sort forum problem prohibiting posting or posts to appear on a site-wide scale, just within the subject post, or simply with my profile?

          Hence, it will be interesting to see if this post appears/goes though!?!

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